Filing Guidance

This page contains filing locations, checklists and other resources to help you understand our forms and filing requirements. To find a complete list of our forms, visit the All Forms page.

Where to File

Each form has a webpage with important information about how to complete the form and where to file it. If you do not file your form with the correct office or with the correct fee, you will experience processing delays.

Please do NOT mail your application or petition to the “HQPDI” address on any form—that address is for submitting comments on the form itself.

Direct Filing Addresses by Form Type

Some forms have a separate webpage that tell you where to file your form, including:

Instructions and Checklists

We strongly encourage you to read the instructions for the form you are submitting before you complete and submit the form.

In some circumstances, the form webpage will say that requirements for that form have changed, but the form’s instructions have not yet been revised. This warning will be shown in the Special Instructions section of the form landing page. Please make sure you follow those special instructions.

Many of our form pages have a checklist that will help ensure you submit all of the required documentation with your form. However, these checklists do not replace the official form instructions.

Filing Tips and Requirements

Photographic Requirements

You may have to submit photographs with your form. You can find the specifications for photographs in the form instructions.

Filing Tips:

You can read our Form Filing Tips webpage for general information on how to submit your form.

FBI Privacy Notice

USCIS may use your biometrics to obtain the criminal history records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for identity verification, to determine eligibility, to create immigration documents (for example, Permanent Resident Card, Employment Authorization Document), or any purpose authorized by the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended and any other applicable statute. You may obtain a copy of your own FBI record using the procedures outlined at 28 CFR 16.30-16.34. For more information, please visit:

Downloading and Printing Immigration Forms

We provide free fillable forms through our website in PDF format, which means you can type your answers directly on the form instead of printing a blank form and writing your answers by hand.

For the best results, we suggest you download the PDF to your computer and complete the form using the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader rather than completing the PDF through your web browser. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website.

Download Instructions

After opening the form in your web browser: