Packages sent to countries that follow European Union (EU) customs rules need more-detailed content descriptions for customs forms. Learn what you need to do.
Select the USPS ® service that best meets your needs of speed, tracking, size, and cost when you use Click-N-Ship ® service to send mail internationally.
Get free shipping supplies 1 for Global Express Guaranteed ® and Priority Mail Flat Rate ® international shipments online.
Have Click-N-Ship service automatically walk you through the customs form process, including new requirements for more-detailed descriptions of packages sent to European Union (EU) countries.
You can print an international shipping label with postage in a few easy steps. Sign in to or sign up for a free account and enter your package details. Click-N-Ship will guide you through the shipping process from start to finish.
With a free account, international shippers, like online sellers, can access the latest features available in the enhanced Click-N-Ship experience: streamlined batch shipments, improved favorites, address file uploading, and more. Learn how to get started.
Once you choose the destination country, address form fields automatically update and format your address label correctly so your package gets delivered to the right place on time.
Depending on the service you choose, some international shipment options include up to $100 of insurance. 3 In many cases, you can purchase additional coverage for your package.
Need to get proof of delivery for your international shipment? You can purchase extra services to keep shipping records when you generate the shipping label.
Choose the international shipping product that best meets your needs—all of which offer delivery to about 180 countries.
Don't have a scale handy? Don't worry. USPS offers Flat Rate Boxes and Envelopes for Priority Mail Express International ® (envelopes only) and Priority Mail International ® shipments.
Schedule a free Package Pickup 2 right from your home and include specific instructions for your mail carrier. Or, for a fee, request a pickup at a specific time using our Pickup on Demand ® service.
You're responsible for sending your package in accordance with regulations. Lithium batteries, cigars, medical devices, and medicine or drugs all have specific restrictions for international shipping. Items that you cannot mail include: aerosols, air bags, alcoholic beverages, ammunition, cigarettes, dry ice, explosives, gasoline, marijuana (medical or otherwise), nail polish, perfumes containing alcohol, poison, and pool chemicals. And since every country has its own restrictions, please see the Individual Country Listings.
1. Boxes are delivered with your regular mail usually within 7 to 10 business days. To order, visit the Postal Store. Back ^ to legal disclaimer 1
2. For details on availability, visit Back ^ to legal disclaimer 2
3. Visit International Mail Services and International Mail Manual for details. Back ^ to legal disclaimer 3