The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ® ) code 31541 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Endoscopy Procedures on the Larynx.
The provider uses a laryngoscope to look directly inside the larynx, which is the voice box, to detect the presence of an abnormal mass of tissues in the voice box of the patient. He may remove the outer layers of the vocal cord or epiglottis, which is called stripping, and/or he may excise the tumor. The provider uses an operating microscope or a telescope.
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View matching HCPCS Level II codes and their definitions.Just in case you didn't know, you can't code from the header of the note. So if the header says the surgery performed was a "micro-direct laryngoscopy with removal of mass", you need to look for the . [ Read More ]
Good morning Can you post the entire body of the operative report and any history/indications minus PHI? The header sounds like intent was a biopsy (31536), but the body of the note (the part that yo. [ Read More ]
Hello, Suspension microlaryngoscopy with biopsy of right vocal cord lesion From body of note: A right sided cup forceps was used to grasp the superior free end and[B] stripping of the mucosa was perf. [ Read More ]
Can someone offer their expertise on this one? I am new to coding and new to the ENT specialty as well. My providers do this procedure quite often and I want to make sure I understand what tools are b. [ Read More ]
31536 is only a biopsy was taken. 31541 if the entire polyp was removed and then the polyp was sent to pathology for morphology. [ Read More ]
If they state that they took the entire polyp you can use 31541 - otherwise 31536 since they called it biopsy. [ Read More ]
[LIST] [*] [/LIST] Suspension microlaryngoscopy with excision of laryngeal polyp. Pt is asymptomatic. Biopsy done. 31536 or 31541? thanks. [ Read More ]
Suspension microlaryngoscopy with excision of laryngeal polyp. Pt is asymptomatic. Biopsy done. 31536 or 31541? thanks. [ Read More ]
Wynonna, I am not sure what you are saying. Does the operative note say that a micro-flap was elevated encompassing the whole are of the leukoplakia? Or are you asking if that is what the op note nee. [ Read More ]
Hello. Must 31545 include a reconstruction with local tissue flap. ie, if micro-flap was elevated encompassing the whole area of leukoplakia; so does this fit for 31545? OR 31541 if no flap was don. [ Read More ]